V Tension Unit, Pass-Thru Hole, Quick Disconnect, 32.7cm
Description: "V" Tension Unit - Insulated, Pass thru hole, Quick Disconnect, 32.7cm. Part of the subassembly of the HF Antenna Longwire System.
Tags: Avionics,Wire Antenna Systems,Tension Units,EACH
SKU: 5ARM300-6LV-3
PN 5ARM300-6LV is part of the subassembly of the HF Antenna Longwire System; Attached to the tail of the aircraft, the wire is looped into the other end to provide tension to an unbroken wire.
Antenna Wire: DG PN 14379
Attachment Means: Pass thru hole
Full Stroke Force: 60 lbs
Length: 11.6 in
Load Rating: 400 lbs
Mid Stroke Force: 25 lbs
Spring Travel: 2.5 in
Starting Force: 10 lbs
Tube Diameter: .44 inches
Voltage Rating: 4.2 kV peak
Weight: 3.5 ounces